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3 Toxic Ingredients to Avoid in Office Cleaning Products

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Being a business owner is a huge privilege, but it is a privilege that comes with responsibility. For the duration of time that your employees are working in your designated office space, they are under your care. This means you need to look at every detail of the work environment to ensure that your staff are being looked after and that their health is never compromised. Of course, one important way of doing so is investing in office cleaning so that the workspace is always clean, tidy and of optimal hygiene.

Any business owner should invest some time and money into finding a great office cleaning company. Most cleaning companies do a really good job, and there's certainly an abundance of cleaning companies out there that have great credentials and use all-natural products while maintaining an impressive business. But before you sign on the dotted line, it's worthwhile checking through a prospective cleaning company's product list just to make sure that there are no harmful chemicals present. Here are a few toxic ingredients that you need to be on the lookout for.

Triclosan. Triclosan is present within many kinds of cleaning products, from dishwashing liquid to floor cleaners and more. This is because triclosan is a very strong antibacterial agent. Unfortunately, that's where the good news comes to an end. The USA's Food and Drug Administration has banned the ingredient from soap products following a risk assessment showing its effects on the immune system, but it is found in many Australian products still.

Perchloroethylene. More commonly known as PERC, this could be a danger for you in the office if you have soft furnishings, such as sofas, carpets and curtains. If you have ever smelled that dry-cleaning smell, that is most likely the smell of PERC in action. There are, however, some negative short-term and long-term effects associated with this substance. In the short term, exposure can lead to dizziness, headaches and nausea, and in the long term, it can affect changes in memory, vision, mood and attention span.

Ammonia. Ammonia is a popular ingredient in polishing products because it leaves a nice sparkle without streaks. But this comes at a high cost. The issue with ammonia is that it is often inhaled, and once in the respiratory system, it can exacerbate breathing problems. If there is anybody in the office with asthma, for example, ammonia is going to be something to avoid.

The good news is that there are many companies that do not use these ingredients or that will happily tailor their cleaning service to your requirements. Check for these ingredients and invest in a reputable cleaning company and you'll be on the right track to looking after the wellbeing of your employees.
